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Data upload

Constituent Data Upload, Filtering and Segmentation

Managing all the higher education or non profit constituent data for a personalized fundraising campaign is tough! We make it easy.

Paula JohnsonPaula Johnson
 Alumni 2001Neil McCormick
Past DonorKimberly O’Shane
Alumni 2018Jack Robertson 
Alumni 2012

Easy .CSV Upload

Once you set up your fundraising or advancement campaign, we generate a customized sample data file that you can download, or you can map your data using our intelligent mapping tool. It's so easy!

Upload CSVChoose files
Download Sample CSV File
Computer demo

Filtering and Segmentation for Fundraising

Get out of spreadsheet hell! Create, filter and segment as many contact lists from your uploaded data file
as you like using the Shift One platform.

Alumni class year segmentCorporate Friends segmentGraduates segmentLYBUNT segmentNon donors segmentGraduates Mail segment
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